Blood Thinners for Atrial Fibrillation
Initiating a blood thinner as well as continuing a blood thinner for atrial fibrillation is a complex decision. In an effort to share and formalize this decision making process we ask that you go to the following address and follow the instructions:
Registration is simple and free. Once you have filled it out, please print or save. Show it to your referring doctor and/or cardiologist as well. Please discuss this decision making tool with them and have them document the conversation as well as asking their office to scan this document into your chart. This ensures you have a full understanding of the decision regarding blood thinner use.
You may also download the following flyer (click here or the image below):
Anticoagulation is the gold standard for patients with atrial fibrillation that also have an elevated risk of stroke or systemic embolism. For a variety of reasons patients may choose not to take blood thinners. Alternatively, a doctor may feel it is best not to prescribe blood thinners. This is a joint decision making process which we hope will be facilitated by using the tool at the internet address above. In the event that blood thinners are not the best option for you, a Watchman device may be an appropriate way to protect you from a stroke from your atrial fibrillation. This decision making tool is now a mandatory part of the process to have a Watchman device implant in the event you choose with your referring physician not to take anticoagulation.